
I am using Windows Phone 8 Map, in that i have to find corner coordinates (Longitude, Latitude) of Visible map.

How to get those coordinates point.

Map Namespace xmlns:maps="clr-namespace:Microsoft.Phone.Maps.Controls;assembly=Microsoft.Phone.Maps"

XAML : <maps:Map Name="mapStalkerAlert" Height="240" BorderBrush="#CA3498" BorderThickness="0,0,0,3"/>

enter image description here

You can find your ans here [How to get coordinates of corners of visible bing map?][1] [1]: stackoverflow.com/questions/12801943/…Amit Bhatiya

1 Answers


For Windows Phone 8 & 8.1 there isn't a simple property that has this information. That said I have come up with a solution for WP8.1 here: Get view bounds of a Map

You should be able to port this over to WP8.