I am developing a JSF Custom Component, using the information I found on the following book Pro JSF and HTML5 by Apress.
So far, I successfully developed:
- the java class to obtain the data to be rendered in the component
- the java component class
- the java renderer class
- the taglib file
- an example page to render the taglib
Everything is working fine, the component is successfully rendered.
Now I would like to add javascript events and behaviour to the rendered elements, more specifically, the purpose of my custom component is to render a menu on a web page, and I would like to ad a dropdown effects to the menu entry. I know how to code the whole thing, in JavaScript, what I don't know is:
What is the best practice to add javascript events and behaviour to the element rendered within a custom component?
Where should the JS files be placed? How do I bind the events to the elements? Is it done in the render class, or after, on the web pages?
Thanks, I'm willing to provide more specific information about my code, if required.
Java Component Class
Note: The CosmoMenu class is just a bean. It basically stores a menu tree (a label, an id and a set of children, if any).
package components;
import com.google.gson.Gson;
import com.google.gson.JsonElement;
import com.google.gson.JsonParser;
import domain.CosmoMenu;
import javax.faces.component.FacesComponent;
import javax.faces.component.UIComponentBase;
public class CosmoMenuComponent extends UIComponentBase{
/** Component family of {@link CosmoMenuComponent}. */
public static final String COMPONENT_FAMILY = "CosmoMenu";
/** Component type of {@link CosmoMenuComponent}. */
public static final String COMPONENT_TYPE = "CosmoMenu";
public String getFamily(){
return CosmoMenuComponent.COMPONENT_FAMILY;
private CosmoMenu theMenu;
public CosmoMenu getMenu(){
Gson gson = new Gson();
JsonParser jsonParser = new JsonParser();
CosmoMenuAPI myApi = new CosmoMenuAPI();
String strMenu = myApi.getMenu();
JsonElement jEl = jsonParser.parse(strMenu);
theMenu = gson.fromJson(jEl, CosmoMenu.class);
return theMenu;