I have a class with a nullable int? datatype set to serialize as an xml element. Is there any way to set it up so the xml serializer will not serialize the element if the value is null?
I've tried to add the [System.Xml.Serialization.XmlElement(IsNullable=false)] attribute, but I get a runtime serialization exception saying there was a an error reflecting the type, because "IsNullable may not be set to 'false' for a Nullable type. Consider using 'System.Int32' type or removing the IsNullable property from the XmlElement attribute."
[System.Xml.Serialization.XmlRoot("Score", Namespace = "http://mycomp.com/test/score/v1")]
public class Score
private int? iID_m;
/// <summary>
/// </summary>
public int? ID
return iID_m;
iID_m = value;
The above class will serialize to:
<Score xmlns="http://mycomp.com/test/score/v1">
<ID xsi:nil="true" />
But for IDs that are null I don't want the ID element at all, primarily because when I use OPENXML in MSSQL, it returns a 0 instead of null for an element that looks like