
I have a simple structure hooked up in Storyboard. I want to transition from one scene to another using a Modal transition. The scene where I am transitioning to is smaller then the current scene. So I want the "bounds" of the current scene to be visible behind the modal view.

My basic setupSegue settings

But when I transition, and the transition is completed, the source view controller is removed from screen. Leaving black surroundings behind.

I have made a short video with the problem. Which can be found here. How can I make it so with the segue that the source view controller stays on screen?


1 Answers


Well, found the solution. In those duplicates people state it cannot be done except when you use a screenshot as "background".

But setting this:

source.modalPresentationStyle = UIModalPresentationCurrentContext;

on the source controller seems to work. Then it does not disappear.