I am still learning how to use Xcode, and one thing that I am curious to find more about has been how to get a loading screen (such as for downloading information from the web to core data) and transitioning to another view controller with a storyboard segue transition when done. Where could I find more information about this?
1 Answers
From the ViewController
that you want to make the segue
you can use the method:
-(void)performSegueWithIdentifier:(NSString*)identifier sender:(id)sender
This segue
you are performing must be defined in your .storyboard file.
So you can create a segue in IB and when you need it to appear just call the method described above.
The loading screen you are looking for might be one HUD. As you can't use the one in iOS cause its a private API I recommend you to try something like this: http://www.cocoacontrols.com/platforms/ios/controls/atmhud or this: http://www.cocoacontrols.com/platforms/ios/controls/mbprogresshud.