This question is related to this one: Running Azure WebJob without queue
My scenario: I just want to write a file each hour into the blob storage and don't need any queue system. From the former question I got this code - which worked fine the first time it is triggered:
public static void DoWork([Blob("container/foobar.txt")] TextWriter writer)
writer.Write("Hello World " + DateTime.Now.ToShortTimeString())"
static void Main()
JobHost host = new JobHost();
The website is running with "AlwaysOn=true" and the webjob is "Running" all the time but now the scheduler throws following error - and nothing happens: "Cannot start a new run since job is already running."
The current result is that the file is only written once. If I switch "AlwaysOn" to false it "works", but it seems dirty because without the Always on the job result is "Aborted".