I have a method which observes a page number value in an global object.
When I update the page number the observed value calls a method to send an action to server.
Here when I put the observes outside the actions handler its working fine, but when I move the observes method inside the actions handler then it is not triggered when the value changes.
Also when I put the observes outside the actions handler it throws an warning that actions handlers outside the actions is deprecated.
How can I listen to the observes when I put the method inside actions handlers.
<script type="text/x-handlebars" data-template-name="index">
<button {{action "updatePage"}}>Update Page Number</button>
App.globalval = Ember.Object.create({
page: 1
App.IndexRoute = Ember.Route.extend({
globalValChange: function(){
someFunction: function(){
console.log("in function to send request to server");
updatePage: function(){
App.globalval.set('page', 5);