I was wondering if numpy has efficient implementation to compute the largest or smallest eigenvalue of symmetric matrix, without the full spectral decomposition if possible. I find the following modules implement the eigen-decomposition:
;numpy linalg
;scipy sparse linalg
scipy/sparse/linalg/eigsh can output the k smallest(largest) eigenvalues and eigenvectors; scipy/linalg/eigh also provides the option to select subset of eigenvalues; numpy/linalg/eigvalsh outputs all the eigenvalues. However, none of them seem efficient if I just want a particular eigenvalue.
I run some toy example to compare the time expense on finding the largest eigenvalue. All the methods give close enough solution, eigen decomposition function in numpy.linalg seems the most efficient, thought it requires full spectrum decomposition. Is there any better way to do the job?
Here is the test code and solution
import numpy as np
import scipy.linalg
import scipy.sparse.linalg
import time
def test_scipy_eig(a):
p = a.shape[0]
w = scipy.linalg.eigh(a, eigvals=[p-1, p-1], eigvals_only=True)
return w
def test_scipy_sparse_eig(a):
p = a.shape[0]
w = scipy.sparse.linalg.eigsh(a, k=1, which='LA', return_eigenvectors=False)
return w
def test_numpy_eig(a):
w = np.linalg.eigvalsh(a)
return w
p = 2000
a = np.random.normal(0,1,(p,p))
b = a.dot(a.T)
start = time.time()
w1 = test_scipy_eig(b)
t1 = time.time() - start
start = time.time()
w2 = test_numpy_eig(b)
t2 = time.time() - start
start = time.time()
w3 = test_scipy_sparse_eig(b)
t3 = time.time() - start
print "time expense:\n scipy:%f numpy:%f scipy_sparse:%f " % (t1, t2, t3)
print "largest eigenvalue:\n scipy:%f numpy:%f scipy_sparse:%f " % (w1[0], w2[-1], w3[0])
time expense:
scipy:1.427211 numpy:1.395954 scipy_sparse:4.520002
largest eigenvalue:
scipy:7949.429984 numpy:7949.429984 scipy_sparse:7949.429984