In the other answers, only the list
approach results in O(1) appends, but it results in a deeply nested list structure, and not a plain single list. I have used the below datastructures, they supports O(1) (amortized) appends, and allow the result to be converted back to a plain list.
expandingList <- function(capacity = 10) {
buffer <- vector('list', capacity)
length <- 0
methods <- list()
methods$double.size <- function() {
buffer <<- c(buffer, vector('list', capacity))
capacity <<- capacity * 2
methods$add <- function(val) {
if(length == capacity) {
length <<- length + 1
buffer[[length]] <<- val
methods$as.list <- function() {
b <- buffer[0:length]
linkedList <- function() {
head <- list(0)
length <- 0
methods <- list()
methods$add <- function(val) {
length <<- length + 1
head <<- list(head, val)
methods$as.list <- function() {
b <- vector('list', length)
h <- head
for(i in length:1) {
b[[i]] <- head[[2]]
head <- head[[1]]
Use them as follows:
> l <- expandingList()
> l$add("hello")
> l$add("world")
> l$add(101)
> l$as.list()
[1] "hello"
[1] "world"
[1] 101
These solutions could be expanded into full objects that support al list-related operations by themselves, but that will remain as an exercise for the reader.
Another variant for a named list:
namedExpandingList <- function(capacity = 10) {
buffer <- vector('list', capacity)
names <- character(capacity)
length <- 0
methods <- list()
methods$double.size <- function() {
buffer <<- c(buffer, vector('list', capacity))
names <<- c(names, character(capacity))
capacity <<- capacity * 2
methods$add <- function(name, val) {
if(length == capacity) {
length <<- length + 1
buffer[[length]] <<- val
names[length] <<- name
methods$as.list <- function() {
b <- buffer[0:length]
names(b) <- names[0:length]
Performance comparison using @phonetagger's code (which is based on @Cron Arconis' code). I have also added a better_env_as_container
and changed the env_as_container_
a bit. The original env_as_container_
was broken and doesn't actually store all the numbers.
lPtrAppend <- function(lstptr, lab, obj) {lstptr[[deparse(lab)]] <- obj}
### Store list inside new environment
envAppendList <- function(lstptr, obj) {lstptr$list[[length(lstptr$list)+1]] <- obj}
env2list <- function(env, len) {
l <- vector('list', len)
for (i in 1:len) {
l[[i]] <- env[[as.character(i)]]
envl2list <- function(env, len) {
l <- vector('list', len)
for (i in 1:len) {
l[[i]] <- env[[paste(as.character(i), 'L', sep='')]]
runBenchmark <- function(n) {
microbenchmark(times = 5,
env_with_list_ = {
listptr <- new.env(parent=globalenv())
listptr$list <- NULL
for(i in 1:n) {envAppendList(listptr, i)}
c_ = {
a <- list(0)
for(i in 1:n) {a = c(a, list(i))}
list_ = {
a <- list(0)
for(i in 1:n) {a <- list(a, list(i))}
by_index = {
a <- list(0)
for(i in 1:n) {a[length(a) + 1] <- i}
append_ = {
a <- list(0)
for(i in 1:n) {a <- append(a, i)}
env_as_container_ = {
listptr <- new.env(hash=TRUE, parent=globalenv())
for(i in 1:n) {lPtrAppend(listptr, i, i)}
envl2list(listptr, n)
better_env_as_container = {
env <- new.env(hash=TRUE, parent=globalenv())
for(i in 1:n) env[[as.character(i)]] <- i
env2list(env, n)
linkedList = {
a <- linkedList()
for(i in 1:n) { a$add(i) }
inlineLinkedList = {
a <- list()
for(i in 1:n) { a <- list(a, i) }
b <- vector('list', n)
head <- a
for(i in n:1) {
b[[i]] <- head[[2]]
head <- head[[1]]
expandingList = {
a <- expandingList()
for(i in 1:n) { a$add(i) }
inlineExpandingList = {
l <- vector('list', 10)
cap <- 10
len <- 0
for(i in 1:n) {
if(len == cap) {
l <- c(l, vector('list', cap))
cap <- cap*2
len <- len + 1
l[[len]] <- i
# We need to repeatedly add an element to a list. With normal list concatenation
# or element setting this would lead to a large number of memory copies and a
# quadratic runtime. To prevent that, this function implements a bare bones
# expanding array, in which list appends are (amortized) constant time.
expandingList <- function(capacity = 10) {
buffer <- vector('list', capacity)
length <- 0
methods <- list()
methods$double.size <- function() {
buffer <<- c(buffer, vector('list', capacity))
capacity <<- capacity * 2
methods$add <- function(val) {
if(length == capacity) {
length <<- length + 1
buffer[[length]] <<- val
methods$as.list <- function() {
b <- buffer[0:length]
linkedList <- function() {
head <- list(0)
length <- 0
methods <- list()
methods$add <- function(val) {
length <<- length + 1
head <<- list(head, val)
methods$as.list <- function() {
b <- vector('list', length)
h <- head
for(i in length:1) {
b[[i]] <- head[[2]]
head <- head[[1]]
# We need to repeatedly add an element to a list. With normal list concatenation
# or element setting this would lead to a large number of memory copies and a
# quadratic runtime. To prevent that, this function implements a bare bones
# expanding array, in which list appends are (amortized) constant time.
namedExpandingList <- function(capacity = 10) {
buffer <- vector('list', capacity)
names <- character(capacity)
length <- 0
methods <- list()
methods$double.size <- function() {
buffer <<- c(buffer, vector('list', capacity))
names <<- c(names, character(capacity))
capacity <<- capacity * 2
methods$add <- function(name, val) {
if(length == capacity) {
length <<- length + 1
buffer[[length]] <<- val
names[length] <<- name
methods$as.list <- function() {
b <- buffer[0:length]
names(b) <- names[0:length]
> runBenchmark(1000)
Unit: microseconds
expr min lq mean median uq max neval
env_with_list_ 3128.291 3161.675 4466.726 3361.837 3362.885 9318.943 5
c_ 3308.130 3465.830 6687.985 8578.913 8627.802 9459.252 5
list_ 329.508 343.615 389.724 370.504 449.494 455.499 5
by_index 3076.679 3256.588 5480.571 3395.919 8209.738 9463.931 5
append_ 4292.321 4562.184 7911.882 10156.957 10202.773 10345.177 5
env_as_container_ 24471.511 24795.849 25541.103 25486.362 26440.591 26511.200 5
better_env_as_container 7671.338 7986.597 8118.163 8153.726 8335.659 8443.493 5
linkedList 1700.754 1755.439 1829.442 1804.746 1898.752 1987.518 5
inlineLinkedList 1109.764 1115.352 1163.751 1115.631 1206.843 1271.166 5
expandingList 1422.440 1439.970 1486.288 1519.728 1524.268 1525.036 5
inlineExpandingList 942.916 973.366 1002.461 1012.197 1017.784 1066.044 5
> runBenchmark(10000)
Unit: milliseconds
expr min lq mean median uq max neval
env_with_list_ 357.760419 360.277117 433.810432 411.144799 479.090688 560.779139 5
c_ 685.477809 734.055635 761.689936 745.957553 778.330873 864.627811 5
list_ 3.257356 3.454166 3.505653 3.524216 3.551454 3.741071 5
by_index 445.977967 454.321797 515.453906 483.313516 560.374763 633.281485 5
append_ 610.777866 629.547539 681.145751 640.936898 760.570326 763.896124 5
env_as_container_ 281.025606 290.028380 303.885130 308.594676 314.972570 324.804419 5
better_env_as_container 83.944855 86.927458 90.098644 91.335853 92.459026 95.826030 5
linkedList 19.612576 24.032285 24.229808 25.461429 25.819151 26.223597 5
inlineLinkedList 11.126970 11.768524 12.216284 12.063529 12.392199 13.730200 5
expandingList 14.735483 15.854536 15.764204 16.073485 16.075789 16.081726 5
inlineExpandingList 10.618393 11.179351 13.275107 12.391780 14.747914 17.438096 5
> runBenchmark(20000)
Unit: milliseconds
expr min lq mean median uq max neval
env_with_list_ 1723.899913 1915.003237 1921.23955 1938.734718 1951.649113 2076.910767 5
c_ 2759.769353 2768.992334 2810.40023 2820.129738 2832.350269 2870.759474 5
list_ 6.112919 6.399964 6.63974 6.453252 6.910916 7.321647 5
by_index 2163.585192 2194.892470 2292.61011 2209.889015 2436.620081 2458.063801 5
append_ 2832.504964 2872.559609 2983.17666 2992.634568 3004.625953 3213.558197 5
env_as_container_ 573.386166 588.448990 602.48829 597.645221 610.048314 642.912752 5
better_env_as_container 154.180531 175.254307 180.26689 177.027204 188.642219 206.230191 5
linkedList 38.401105 47.514506 46.61419 47.525192 48.677209 50.952958 5
inlineLinkedList 25.172429 26.326681 32.33312 34.403442 34.469930 41.293126 5
expandingList 30.776072 30.970438 34.45491 31.752790 38.062728 40.712542 5
inlineExpandingList 21.309278 22.709159 24.64656 24.290694 25.764816 29.158849 5
I have added linkedList
and expandingList
and an inlined version of both. The inlinedLinkedList
is basically a copy of list_
, but it also converts the nested structure back into a plain list. Beyond that the difference between the inlined and non-inlined versions is due to the overhead of the function calls.
All variants of expandingList
and linkedList
show O(1) append performance, with the benchmark time scaling linearly with the number of items appended. linkedList
is slower than expandingList
, and the function call overhead is also visible. So if you really need all the speed you can get (and want to stick to R code), use an inlined version of expandingList
I've also had a look at the C implementation of R, and both approaches should be O(1) append for any size up until you run out of memory.
I have also changed env_as_container_
, the original version would store every item under index "i", overwriting the previously appended item. The better_env_as_container
I have added is very similar to env_as_container_
but without the deparse
stuff. Both exhibit O(1) performance, but they have an overhead that is quite a bit larger than the linked/expanding lists.
Memory overhead
In the C R implementation there is an overhead of 4 words and 2 ints per allocated object. The linkedList
approach allocates one list of length two per append, for a total of (4*8+4+4+2*8=) 56 bytes per appended item on 64-bit computers (excluding memory allocation overhead, so probably closer to 64 bytes). The expandingList
approach uses one word per appended item, plus a copy when doubling the vector length, so a total memory usage of up to 16 bytes per item. Since the memory is all in one or two objects the per-object overhead is insignificant. I haven't looked deeply into the env
memory usage, but I think it will be closer to linkedList