Is it possible to use PowerShell to deploy from VSO and/or view the file system that VSO stores the code in?
Recently we have moved our source from a Local TFS to TFService / Visual Studio Online. On the Local TFS we had a PowerShell script that would deploy the application to Azure Blob.
This is the body of what the script did
1.Create a staging/temporary folder
2.Copy the bin directory after the build,
3.Create a txt file that pulled the version # from the AssemblyInfo.CS file on the build agent (which the customer application would check to see if it needs to update)
4.Create a .sql file that also pulled the version # from the AssemblyInfo.CS file (which updates the customers DB)
5.Zips the copied bin and the created .sql together
6.Uploads the Zip and the txt to Azure Blob
We want to continue to use this script to deploy with while on VSO but the current issue is that I'm running blind on the file paths. I reviewed the build log and found C:\a\src and C:\a\bin, which is a start. I've also been able to run simple commands such as dir/mkdir after the build without errors coming back which I'm assuming means I can manipulate the file system VSO uses to some degree at least.
I Have also posted this question on the msdn site @