
My team uses Visual Studio Online ("VSO") to manage our ALM.

We already have a push-button build-process in place to build code from our local Git repo (remotely) and deploy it to a Microsoft Azure Website on Azure.

In addition to this we want a local, development-testing environment built and deployed with a push of a button.

What is the best way to integrate an automated, on-premises development-testing deployment into our development pipeline from within VSO's ALM ecosystem?

[We do also own TFS 2012 -- is there a way to leverage it from VSO to drive an on-premises build deployment from our VSO git repo?]

Hello, did you find an answer to your question? We're looking for something somewhat similar and I'm just curious what approach you ultimately took. ThanksAdam Plocher
Hey Adam I've been manually deploying from within Visual Studio using the project's "PUBLISH" ability. I manually create a package that I then deploy with IIS to a development server. Painful.TheFastCat
Thank you. I've been doing some research for the last couple of days, but haven't gotten very far. I will let you know if I find anything. Thanks!Adam Plocher
Check out this video from TechEd, it discusses the hybrid approach: channel9.msdn.com/Events/TechEd/NorthAmerica/2014/…Andrew Clear
This question is a bit dated but just to chime in, you can install a TFS build agent on your local network and attach it to a Visual Studio Online account to act as your build controller. Your VSO builds can then kick off builds on your on-premises build agent and you can build/deploy locally as you like.Jeff Bramwell

2 Answers


To deploy builds on-premise, I installed an on-premise build server and used it as the default build controller in my build definition.

When installing the build server select your Visual Studio Online url to point the build server to your team project collection.

I used the instructions here http://myalmblog.com/2014/04/configuring-on-premises-build-server-for-visual-studio-online/

(normal issues when installing a build server remember to copy over your MSbuild folder from a machine with Visual Studio already installed etc...)


I know it's been a while since the question was asked, but this guy did it with an extension to be added to your VSTS account to deploy directly to an on-premise IIS. I'm going to check this solution today but I'm pretty sure it will work.



Better yet, MSDN released a complete doc for deploying an asp.net app on IIS
