
I have three tables: Client, User, Position. Client to User is many-to-many, Client to Position is one-to-many and User to Position is many-to-many.

Now, a User can be part of two different Clients, and so for each, this user is assigned to some positions. I want to get the client, and all of its users, and their position.

When I use:


Then, I do get all the users for the client, but I get all the positions the user has, from all of the clients they are part of.

What can I do?


->Say I have two clients: Sony and Microsoft, and two users John and Mike.

->Say that Microsoft has positions: Developer and Engineer.

->Say that Sony has positions: Marketing and Finance.

John works at Microsoft as Developer, while Mike works at Microsoft as an Engineer and at Sony as a Finance guy.

If I want to get all Microsoft's employees and their positions, I expect to get John (and his position being Developer) and Mike (and his position being Finance).

However, the code above that I run gives me John (with Developer), and Mike (with Engineer and Finance. The pivot table for Finance clearly says it is for Sony).

Can you rephrase the question, it's not clear?The Alpha
Sorry! I gave an exampleKousha

1 Answers


I found my answer. I had to apply constraints to my eager loading:

          'users.positions' => function($query) {

This worked perfectly!