The problem is the following : considering three inputs A,B,C, find a boolean circuit with AND,OR and NOT gates such that the output is not(A), not(B), not(C) using at most 2 NOT gates.
I would like to find the circuit with prolog. My idea is to compute a predicate "accessible" that takes a function and says if it exists a circuit that computes f.
I have the following predicates :
not([H|T],[G|S]) :- G #=# 1-H, not(T,S).
or([0|T],[0|S],[0|R]) :- or(T,S,R).
or([1|T],[0|S],[1|R]) :- or(T,S,R).
or([1|T],[1|S],[1|R]) :- or(T,S,R).
or([0|T],[1|S],[1|R]) :- or(T,S,R).
and([1|T],[1|S],[1|R]) :- and(T,S,R).
and([0|T],[1|S],[0|R]) :- and(T,S,R).
and([1|T],[0|S],[0|R]) :- and(T,S,R).
and([0|T],[0|S],[0|R]) :- and(T,S,R).
accessible(_,_,0) :- !,fail.
accessible([0,1,0,1,0,1,0,1],[12],_) :- !.
accessible([0,0,1,1,0,0,1,1],[11],_) :- !.
accessible([0,0,0,0,1,1,1,1],[10],_) :- !.
accessible(F,L,C) :- CC is C-1, or(G,H,F), accessible(G,M,CC), accessible(H,N,CC), L=[0, [M,N]].
accessible(F,L,C) :- CC is C-1, and(G,H,F), accessible(G,M,CC), accessible(H,N,CC), L=[1,[M,N]].
accessible(F,L,C) :- CC is C-1, not(F,X), accessible(X,M,CC), L=[2,M].
I would like to compute the function xor between 11,12 so I try the following goal : accessible([0,1,1,0,0,1,1,0], X, 4).
But prolog runs a while before getting the good answer. I'd like to know how to improve the program in order to make it faster.
P.S. How to print a string without ASCII codes with GNU prolog ?