You can use minimal logic to define a negative head. In minimal logic
~A can be viewed as A -> ff. Thus the following
P -> ~Q
Can be viewed as:
P -> (Q -> ff).
Now if we take the following identity (A -> (B -> C)) = (A & B -> C), we
see that the above is equivalent to:
P & Q -> ff.
There is now one problem, how can we ask negative queries? There is one
way to make use of minimal logic which is different from negation as
failure. The idea is that a query of the form:
G |- A -> B
is answered by temporarily adding A to the prolog program G, and then
trying to solve B, i.e. doing the following:
G, A |- B
Now lets turn to Prolog notation, we will show that p, and p -> ~q
implies ~q by executing a (minimal logic) Prolog program. The
prolog program is:
ff :- p, q.
And the query is:
?- q -: ff.
We first need to define the new connective (-:)/2. A quick solution
is as follows:
(A -: B) :- (assert(A); retract(A), fail), B, (retract(A); assert(A), fail).
Here you see a realisation of this minimal logic negation in SWI Prolog:
Welcome to SWI-Prolog (Multi-threaded, 64 bits, Version 5.10.4)
Copyright (c) 1990-2011 University of Amsterdam, VU Amsterdam
1 ?- [user].
:- op(1200,xfy,-:).
|: (A -: B) :- (assertz(A); retract(A), fail), B, (retract(A); assertz(A), fail).
|: p.
|: ff :- p, q.
% user://1 compiled 0.02 sec, 1,832 bytes
2 ?- q -: ff.
true .
Best Regards
Uniform Proofs as a Foundation for Logic Programming (1989)
by Dale Miller, Gopalan Nadathur, Frank Pfenning, Andre Scedrov