I have some custom QGraphicsItems in a QGraphicsView of a QGraphicsScene.
I wish to know if there is an Item in the view at given (x,y) coordinates.
To test purpose I use the following class as QGraphicsScene:
class CustomScene : public QGraphicsScene
void mousePressEvent(QGraphicsSceneMouseEvent *event)
if (QGraphicsItem *item = itemAt(event->scenePos())) {
qDebug() << "You clicked on item" << item;
else {
qDebug() << "You didn't click on an item.";
In my application I have:
- a class "Screen::Screen(QWidget *parent): QWidget(parent){...}" with inside an instance of my class "CustomScene : public QGraphicsScene {...}" described above and an instance of class QGraphicsView.
- some instances of my class "Rect : public QGraphicsRectItem {...}", added to the QGraphicsView,s that draw some rectangles after some calculations.
When I launch the application and click on the drawn rectangles, I always have "You didn't click on an item." message.
Searching here in previous posts or searching on google I didn't find the reason why my code doesn't work. What am I doing wrong?
Edit 1: boundingRect() method returns correctly. I tried to add some QGraphicsRectItem, itemAt() method returns their information correctly.
? this is used for hit-detection, among other things – king_nak