I use filterFunction method of datatable on primefaces 5.0. I want to filter birthday by date range on column header.
On browser console I receive this error:
<?xml version="1.0"
cannot be cast to
Datatable :
<p:dataTable var="person" value="#{testDateRange.persons}"
id="personTable" paginator="true" styleClass="customTableStyle" editable="true"
rows="10" resizableColumns="true"
emptyMessage="No persons"
widgetVar="dateRangeWidget" >
<p:column id="nameId" filterBy="name" sortBy="name" filterMatchMode="contains" headerText="Name">
<h:outputText value="#{person.name}" />
<p:column id="birthdayId" headerText="birthday" filterBy="birthday" filterFunction="#{testDateRange.filterByDate}">
<f:facet name="filter">
<p:calendar id="from" value="#{testDateRange.dateFrom}" styleClass="customCalendar" pattern="dd/MM/yyyy">
<p:ajax event="dateSelect" oncomplete="PF('dateRangeWidget').filter()" update="personTable"/>
<p:calendar id="to" value="#{testDateRange.dateTo}" styleClass="customCalendar" pattern="dd/MM/yyyy">
<p:ajax event="dateSelect" oncomplete="PF('dateRangeWidget').filter()" update="personTable"/>
<h:outputText value="#{person.birthday}" >
<f:convertDateTime pattern="dd/MM/yyyy"/>
public class TestDateRangeBean {
private List<Person> persons;
List<Person> filteredPersons;
private Date dateFrom;
private Date dateTo;
public TestDateRangeBean() {
persons = new ArrayList<>(Arrays.asList(
new Person("John", new Date(1357016400000L)),
new Person("Will",new Date(1357102800000L)),
new Person("Peter",new Date(1414900800000L)),
new Person("Cris", new Date(1438747200000L)),
new Person("Cemil", new Date(1436068800000L))
public boolean filterByDate(Object value, Object filter, Locale locale) {
// it fails before calling this method
String filterText = (filter == null) ? null : filter.toString().trim();
if(StringUtils.isEmpty(filterText)) {
return true;
if(value == null) {
return false;
DateFormat df = new SimpleDateFormat("dd/MM/yyyy");
Date filterDate;
try {
filterDate = df.parse(filterText);
} catch (ParseException e) {
return false;
return filterDate.after(dateFrom) && filterDate.before(dateTo);
//all the getters and setters
And I have a simple POJO Person class that contains only 'name' and 'birthday'.
How can I filter birthday by the dates I enter on column header. I see that it gets the UIPanel component instead of dates values. (I assume it expects one component with a value, and when it finds two components, it returns the container component itself, am I right?)
come from? – Roland