I've got a form with two primefaces calendar input elements and a datatable on it. The calendar items are used to filter the result displayed in the table as from to values. Therefore I use an p:ajax ‘dateSelect’ event which is working fine when doing the manipulation with the mouse over the popup. But when I change the date manually in the input field with the keybord no change event is fired. When I use a second p:ajax event for blur or change I'm not able to get the new value.
<p:calendar id="startDate"
<p:ajax event="dateSelect"
update="filterTbl, endDate" />
<p:ajax event="change"
update="filterTbl, endDate"
partialSubmit="true" immediate="true" />
the method onFilterStartChanged gets called when selection is made over the pupup it's possible to read the new value:
public void onFilterStartChanged(final SelectEvent event) {...}
but the Keyboard changes are not fired when moving Focus to another component
public void onFilterStartBlured(final AjaxBehaviorEvent event) {
Date newDate = (Date)((Calendar)event.getSource()).getValue();
how can I get the new date?