
Is there a property that I can bind to on the Hub control in Windows 8.1 / Windows Phone 8.1 such that I can get the currently selected HubSection? Normally for a TabControl, one would set the SelectedIndex property. However this does not seem to exist for the Hub control.

So far the only property I can find that is somewhat related is the SectionsInView property. However it is read only and it can't be bound to via DataBinding.

enter image description here

How are you trying to bind? It is a vector. And despite that I could data bind to it from a TextBlocKamen

1 Answers


Find a way to deal with that but a shame that there is no native property for it.

So what I did is :

        private int CurrentSectionIndex = 0;
        private HubSection CurrentSection
            get { return this.Hub.SectionsInView[CurrentSectionIndex]; }

        //Retrieve the ScrollViewer of the Hub control and handle the ViewChanged event of this ScrollViewer
        public Page()
            ScrollViewer sv = ControlHelper.GetChild<ScrollViewer>(this.Hub);
            sv.ViewChanged += sv_ViewChanged;
        //In the ViewChanged event handler body then calculate the index relative to the horizontal offset (means current position) of the ScrollViewer
        void sv_ViewChanged(object sender, ScrollViewerViewChangedEventArgs e)
                double ho = ControlHelper.GetChild<ScrollViewer>(this.Hub).HorizontalOffset;

                if (ho >= CurrentSection.ActualWidth - (this.ActualWidth - CurrentSection.ActualWidth))
                    CurrentSectionIndex = (int)((ho + (this.ActualWidth - CurrentSection.ActualWidth)) / CurrentSection.ActualWidth);

Seems to work but still to test (let me know)