I am trying to load a DLL in Python 2.7 using ctypes. The DLL was written using Fortran and has multiple subroutines in it. I was able to successfully set up couple of the exported functions that that long
and double
pointers as arguments.
import ctypes as C
import numpy as np
dll = C.windll.LoadLibrary('C:\\Temp\\program.dll')
_cp_from_t = getattr(dll, "CP_FROM_T")
_cp_from_t.restype = C.c_double
_cp_from_t.argtypes = [C.POINTER(C.c_longdouble),
# Mixture Rgas function
_mix_r = getattr(dll, "MIX_R")
_mix_r.restype = C.c_double
_mix_r.argtypes = [np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(dtype=C.c_longdouble)]
def cp_from_t(composition, temp):
""" Calculates Cp in BTU/lb/R given a fuel composition and temperature.
:param composition: numpy array containing fuel composition
:param temp: temperature of fuel
:return: Cp
:rtype : float
return _cp_from_t(C.byref(C.c_double(temp)), composition)
def mix_r(composition):
"""Return the gas constant for a given composition.
:rtype : float
:param composition: numpy array containing fuel composition
return _mix_r(composition)
# At this point, I can just pass a numpy array as the composition and I can get the
# calculated values without a problem
comps = np.array([0, 0, 12.0, 23.0, 33.0, 10, 5.0])
temp = 900.0
cp = cp_from_t(comps, temp)
rgas = mix_r(comps)
So far, so good.
The problem arises when I try another subroutine called Function2
which needs some strings as input. The strings are all fixed length (255) and they also ask for the length of each of the string parameters.
The function is implemented in Fortran as follows:
Subroutine FUNCTION2(localBasePath,localTempPath,InputFileName,Model,DataArray,ErrCode)
Implicit None
Character *255 localBasePath,localTempPath,InputFileName
Integer *4 Model(20), ErrCode(20)
Real *8 DataArray(900)
The function prototype in Python is set up as follows
function2 = getattr(dll, 'FUNCTION2')
function2.argtypes = [C.POINTER(C.c_char_p), C.c_long,
C.POINTER(C.c_char_p), C.c_long,
C.POINTER(C.c_char_p), C.c_long,
np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(C.c_long , flags='F_CONTIGUOUS'),
np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(C.c_double, flags='F_CONTIGUOUS'),
np.ctypeslib.ndpointer(C.c_long, flags='F_CONTIGUOUS')]
And I call it using:
base_path = "D:\\Users\\xxxxxxx\\Documents\\xxxxx\\".ljust(255)
temp_path = "D:\\Users\\xxxxxxx\\Documents\\xxxxx\\temp".ljust(255)
inp_file = "inp.txt".ljust(255)
The strings are essentially paths. The function Function2
does not recognize the paths and proves an error message with some non-readable characters at the end, such as:
forrtl: severe (43): file name specification error, unit 16, D:\Users\xxxxxxx\Documents\xxxxx\ωa
What I wanted the function to receive was D:\Users\xxxxxxx\Documents\xxxxx\
. Obviously, the strings are not passed correctly.
I have read that Python uses NULL
terminated strings. Can that be a problem while passing strings to a Fortran dll? If so, how do I get around it?
Any recommendations?
to pass by value. As for the previous comment, you are right. It should have been the prototype function. Have made the changes above. Had to simplify some code as it was originally implemented as a class. – d0m1n0Function2
. Will have to work with its authors for that one. – d0m1n0