
I would like to save table data generated by an aggregate report using command line, so that I can automate the process. However, I read from an older post around 2004 using 2.2/2.3 jmeter that this cannot be done. But since it is 2014 now and we are using jmeter 2.11, I was wondering if we could save the table data.

The button boxed in red is what I am trying to do but with command line rather than with the GUI.

enter image description here


Well, what about at least this solution: stackoverflow.com/questions/7990863/… ?Aliaksandr Belik
The solution only works for the aggregate report responses rather than the save table data. They have some similarities, but not the main details that I need.user3235731
For jmeter-4.0 have a look at this answer to a similar thread.christian_de

1 Answers


In order to achieve this you will have to write a batch script (windows) and shell script (Linux).
Please follow the below mentioned steps:

  • Run Jmeter via command line and specify path for output *.jtl file
  • Call CMDRunner.jar in your Jmeter \lib\ext directory to convert *.jtl file to Aggregate report and save as CSV file.
  1. jmeter -n -t "C:\Test.jmx" -l "C:\output.jtl" ^&^& exit
  2. java -jar CMDRunner.jar --tool Reporter --generate-csv "C:\Aggregate_Report.csv" --input-jtl "C:\output.jtl" --plugin-type AggregateReport
  • Run your *.bat or *.sh file

Hope this will help.