
I am trying to generate dashboard report using jmeter 4.0. First have generated CSV file in Gui mode of jmeter script working fine created ViewGraph10.csv file.Now my requirement is to create dashboard report. To generate dashboard report I performed below steps.

1.Open command prompt. 2.go to bin folder of Jmeter 3.execute the below command.

C:\apache-jmeter-4.0\apache-jmeter-4.0\bin>jmeter -g C:\Users\Meghtech\Desktop\Monday folder\ViewGraph10.csv -o C:\Users\Meghtech\Desktop\Monday folder\Reports

It shows below error

Error on Executing

Here is the file locationenter image description here


2 Answers


This is due to space in your path for output folder.

Surround path with spaces by quotes and it will work:


Please try running the below command

C:\apache-jmeter-4.0\apache-jmeter-4.0\bin>jmeter -g "C:\Users\Meghtech\Desktop\Monday folder\ViewGraph10.csv" -o "C:\Users\Meghtech\Desktop\Monday folder\Reports"

If this doesn't work. Follow the below steps.

  1. Go to JMeter Bin directory and copy the path
  2. Now, open the start menu and start typing "environment" and then choose "Edit environment variables for current user"
  3. Now, look for path variable and click on edit and then paste the path you copied in the end of the string. Make sure you don't delete or replace anything here.
  4. Now open new command prompt window and navigate to report folder and run the below command

jmeter -g ViewGraph10.csv -o Reports

This will work.