
I have a json containing the polygons that represent the delimiters of all cities (78 in total) in a country. For example:


I'm using the ruby driver for MongoDB. The database contains a collection of points (indexed as 2dsphere). I need to calculate the total count of points inside a city. The result should say, for example, "City1 contains 56 points, City2 contains 40 points, City3 contains 100 points".

This is code that I'm using to find the points inside a single polygon, and setting a date range from_date to end_date (since the points have a date property)

polygon = [[-67.103276,18.513426],[-67.10339411502086,18.514532657212502],[-67.093752,18.515757],[-67.05297606966441,18.512073045833525]]
from_date = DateTime.strptime(params[:from_date], '%Y-%m-%d')
from_date = Time.utc(from_date.year, from_date.month, from_date.day)
to_date = DateTime.strptime(params[:to_date], '%Y-%m-%d')
to_date = Time.utc(to_date.year, to_date.month, to_date.day)

@coll = db.collection("points")
recordset = @coll.find(
        "$and" => [
            { "geometry.coordinates" => {
                "$within" => {"$polygon" => polygon}
            { "properties.time" => {
                :$gte => from_date,
                :$lte => to_date
    :fields => { :_id => false }

Is there any way that I can group the results of all cities with a single query, or I have to query the database 78 times to get the count for each city?


1 Answers


When you want to group, you need to use the aggregation framework. You will need an aggregation pipeline with two steps and an optional 3rd step:

  1. The above query with a $match operator (by the way: the $and is unnecessary. You can put "geometry.coordinates" and "properties.time" in the same associative array)
  2. a $group operator which _id => "$cityname" (I guessed cityname is the field where the name of the city is stored) and "number_of_points" => { "$sum" => 1 }. The new field number_of_points will contain the number of points per city.
  3. (optional) The name of the city will now be in the field _id. When you want the field to have a different name, you can rename it with an additional $project step.