
Switching to Excel 2013 from Excel 2010,

When Sheet2 is inactive

The code

Worksheets("Sheet2").Rows("432:432").EntireRow.Hidden = False

gives Error

Unable to set the Hidden property of the Range class

But works fine when Sheet2 is the Active Sheet

In Excel 2010 , VBA had no problem hiding rows in InactiveSheets .

Is this a change in Excel 2013. If so, any fix.

EDIT: Worksheets("Sheet2").Protect Password:="password", userinterfaceonly:=True Worksheets("Sheet2").Rows("2:2").EntireRow.Hidden = False When setting userinterfaceonly option to true, VBA Code to hide row only works when the sheet is active

I can't recreate this error on a new 2013 Worksheet. But only when opening 2010 Excel app in 2013. Wonder If I am playing with any Settings here.

Does this happen on all files or just one? Have you verified this on Excel 2010 for the same file(s) or just generalizing? Make sure the workbook/worksheet is not protected.David Zemens
I was able to recreate the 1004 error by protecting Sheet2, great suggestion @DavidZemens! Of course, you can clear this by using Worksheet.Unprotect Password:="da_password", noting that there may not be a password (in which case you can simply use the .Unprotect methodDan Wagner
Worksheets("Sheet2").Protect Password:="password", userinterfaceonly:=True Worksheets("Sheet2").Rows("2:2").EntireRow.Hidden = False When setting userinterfaceonly option to true, VBA Code to hide row only works when the sheet is activeShorn Jacob
With AllowFormattingRows:=True, userinterfaceonly:=True , this was fixed this.Shorn Jacob

2 Answers

Sub MakeScript1()
application.ScreenUpdating = False
Sheets("Script1").Visible = True
  Dim x As Long, Z As Long, FF As Long, TextOut As String
  Const OutputPath As String = "c:\temp\"   '<==Note the trailing backslash
  Const BaseFileName As String = "Script1"
  Const StartColumn As Long = 1   'Assumed Column A
  Const StartRow As Long = 1      'Assumed Row 1
  For x = StartColumn + 1 To StartColumn + 1
    TextOut = ""
    For Z = StartRow To StartRow + 19
      TextOut = TextOut & Cells(Z, StartColumn).Value & " " & Cells(Z, x).Value & vbNewLine
    FF = FreeFile
    Open OutputPath & BaseFileName & ".vbs" For Output As #FF
    Print #FF, TextOut
    Close #FF
Sheets("Script1").Visible = False
application.ScreenUpdating = True
End Sub

see how i did

Sheets("Script1").Visible = True

and then

Sheets("Script1").Visible = False


oops, my bad the above isnt what you wanted.

here try code from this:

Dim RowsToHide As Range
Dim RowHideNum As Integer

' Set Correct Start Dates for Billing in New File
Workbooks("----- Combined_New_Students_Updated.xlsx").Activate
StartDateLine1 = Format(START_DATE_1, "ww") - 1 ' Convert Start Date to Week Number
StartDateLine1 = (StartDateLine1 * 6) - 2 ' Convert Start Date to Line Number
If StartDateLine1 >= "10" Then
 Cells(4, "q").Value = ""
 Cells(StartDateLine1, "q").Value = STATUS_1
 Cells(StartDateLine1, "z").Value = "START DATE " + START_DATE_1
 RowHideNum = StartDateLine1 - 2
 Set RowsToHide = Range(Cells(3, "a"), Cells(RowHideNum, "ab"))
 RowsToHide.EntireRow.Hidden = True
End If