
I want to copy a worksheet and place it DIRECTLY after another sheet. But I having trouble when there are hidden sheets involved.

Using Excel 2013 I open a new workbook. Add a Sheet after "Sheet1". Rename it "HiddenSheet2" Add a Sheet after "HiddenSheet2". Rename new sheet "Sheet3" So I have "Sheet1" - "HiddenSheet1" - "Sheet3" Then hide "HiddenSheet1"

Next run this VBA Code:

Sub test()
Dim ws1 AS Worksheet
Set wst = Sheets("Sheet1")
wst.Copy After:=Sheets(wst.Index)
End Sub

The inserted sheet get placed after "HiddenSheet2" and not after "Sheet1". I found that the copied sheet becomes the active sheet.

Get Handle on last worksheet copied by Worksheet.Copy

VBA Copy Sheet to End of Workbook (with Hidden Worksheets)

But my problem is I need the sheet to remain in a specific order.



Sub test()
Dim ws1 AS Worksheet
Set wst = Sheets("Sheet1")
wst.Copy After:=Sheets(wst.Index)
ThisWorkbook.ActiveSheet.Move After:=Sheets(wst.Index)
End Sub

This doesn't get the new sheet directly after "Sheet1" either.

Why not use wst.copy after:=wst?glh
What @glh said. You already have wst as a Worksheet variable. Just use that for the After argument :)David Zemens
wst.copy after:=wst and wst.copy after:=Sheets("Sheet1") produces the same results. My new sheet get place after the hidden sheet and not directly after "Sheet1"Jonathan
But yes it make more since to use wst.copy after:=wstJonathan

2 Answers


Existing code can be added

Sub test()
Dim ws1 AS Worksheet
Set wst = Sheets("Sheet1")
wst.Copy After:=Sheets(wst.Index)
ThisWorkbook.ActiveSheet.Move After:=Sheets(wst.Index)
If (ActiveSheet.Index - wst.Index - 1) <> 0 Then
        Sheets(wst.Index + 1).Visible = True
        ActiveSheet.Move After:=wst
        Sheets(wst.Index + 2).Visible = False
    End If
End Sub

The index property is zero base, unless specified elsewhere. Sheets property is base of one. You need to either:

  1. Add 1 to the index, not preferred.
  2. Reference the .name property, better.
  3. Reference the sheet variable you have I.e. Wst.copy after:=wst, best.
  4. Or move the hidden sheet to after the new one.