I am using PayFlow Pro Payments for Recurring Billing.
I want to be able to use the API to be able to grab the transaction history for a particular Recurring Profile ID - however the API is not clear enough.
I have been reading up on the TRXTYPE=I - But I can't get the transaction ID as PayFlow is the one that does the recurring billing. I can create/update/cancel subscriptions just fine - but I can't get any transaction history out of it at all. I can browse online for them by going through Manage Profiles, Selecting a profile and then clicking on "View Transactions"
So if I do a call like this
I get back
"CUSTREF invalid "
If I do
I get back
"Not signed up for this Tender type"
If I throw in the Tender type Tender[1]=C or Tender[1]=P; still the same issue.
If I chuck in one of the transaction ID's MANUALLY then I get details of the transaction - but I want to grab a list of transactions done for a recurring profile :(
Any advice/direction would be greatly appreciated.