I am using PayPal's Payflow pro API on a test account and no matter what, it tells me the field is incorrect. I am using PHP. This is the string being sent to them:
curl https://pilot-payflowpro.paypal.com -s --insecure -d PARTNER=PayPal -d PWD=XXXXXX -d VENDOR=XXXXXXX -d USER=XXXXXXX -d TENDER=C -d ACCT=5555555555554444 -d TRXTYPE=C -d EXPDATE=1221 -d AMT=1.00
And the response says:
RESULT=117&PNREF=A91A0D948350&RESPMSG=Failed merchant rule check
I have pass all correct information.Can you please help me for this?
Any help would be appreciated.