There is a way to avoid older events in calendar using service.SyncFolderItems() method.
<MaxChangesReturned/> <SyncScope/>
That Ignore parameter will accept List of event Ids. and ignore them while syncing. To do that , First we need to retrieve older event IDs, Exchange will only accept two years old event
DateTime startDate = DateTime.Now.AddYears(-2); //start from two years earlier
DateTime endDate = DateTime.Now.AddMonths(-1); // End One Month before,
//you can use Convert.ToDateTime("01/01/2013"); what ever date you wanted.
Create Item id List;
List<ItemId> itmid = new List<ItemId>();
Create Calendar View object;
CalendarView cView = new CalendarView(startDate, endDate);
Retrieve Appointments;
// Retrieve a collection of appointments by using the calendar view.
FindItemsResults<Item> appointments = service.FindItems(WellKnownFolderName.Calendar, cView);
Or you can use this, But previous code have some optimization. (Google)
FindItemsResults<Appointment> appointments = service.FindAppointments(WellKnownFolderName.Calendar, cView);
Add retrieve event ids into list,
foreach (var item in appointments)
Finally, in your SyncFolderItems method will looks like this;
service.SyncFolderItems(new FolderId(WellKnownFolderName.Calendar), PropertySet.IdOnly, itmid, 10, SyncFolderItemsScope.NormalItems, sSyncState);
Hope this will help any of you.