
I am writing an application which synchronises users' calendars into a local store. I am using Exchange Web Services (EWS) and the SyncFolderItems method to pull down the changes. This all worked perfectly until I discovered the synchronised items don't include "Recurring" appointments.

Another stackoverflow article suggested that this is because they are "virtual". It does include the "master" appointment though. The thing is, that's fine. I am rendering the appointments on a third party calendar that supports recurrance, so I just need to store the recurrance info from the appointment and I can translate that onto my calendar, so it will show the correct information.

However, when I check the "IsRecurring" field, it says it's false when it is clearly a recurring appointment. Anybody come across this?

Do you have a link for "Another stackoverflow article"?Chris

2 Answers


I have noticed the same thing since I was trying to filter out recurring items. I ended up querying for and checking the CalendarItemType(http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/exchange/aa494158(v=exchg.140).aspx) instead to determine if the item was part of a recurrence or not, this property is queryable in the SyncFolderItems shape.


Seems that IsRecurring doesn't always get set right (grr...). Solution is to check the CalendarItemType field (mentioned above) and if it's equal to RecurringMaster -- Then IsRecurring should be true. Other possible values include:

  • Single
  • Occurrence
  • Exception

Though in the case of SyncFolderItems it will either be RecurringMaster or Single I believe.