I have 2 tables with different number of columns, and I need to export the data using SSIS to a text file. For example, I have customer table, tblCustomers; order table, tblOrders
tblCustomers (id, name, address, state, zip)
id name address state zip’
100 custA address1 NY 12345
99 custB address2 FL 54321
tblOrders(id, cust_id, name, quantity, total, date)
id cust_id name quantity total date
1 100 candy 10 100.00 04/01/2014
2 99 veg 1 2.00 04/01/2014
3 99 fruit 2 0.99 04/01/2014
4 100 veg 1 3.99 04/05/2014
The result file would be as following
“custA”, “100”, “recordtypeA”, “address1”, “NY”, “12345”
“custA”, “100”, “recordtypeB”, “candy”, “10”, “100.00”, “04/01/2014”
“custA”, “100”, “recordtypeB”, “veg”, “1”, “3.99”, “04/05/2014”
“custB”, “99”, “recordtypeA”, “address2”, “FL”, “54321”
“custB”, “99”, “recordtypeB”, “veg”, “1”, “2.00”, “04/01/2014”
“custB”, “99”, “recordtypeB”, “fruit”, “2”, “0.99”, “04/01/2014”
Can anyone please guild me as how to do this?