First time i am paling to implement my task in SSIS
I am having data like 4.5 gB ,i would like to upload into the Sql Server 2008 . my data is like combination of 4to 6 tables of data, there is no Primary key in raw data .
one row containing the multiple tables of information
now i need to split that data in to respective tables.
my data is like this
row1: col1, col2, col3...........col125
Now i have to insert some columns in to master table, if i insert the records in to the master table i have to get last inserted row id and using that id i have to insert coloumns of raw data(col5 to col20 and so on) in to another tables like..
last inserted row is 5
table 1 5, col2 5 ,col3 5, col4 5 ,col5 and has to insert another table
table 3 5, col12 5 ,col32 5, col45 5 ,col55
table 4 5, col72 5 ,col82 5, col95 5 ,col105 like that from first row.
can any one suggest me how to implement this task. Please see the attaced file ( Extract.pdf)