If the main use case you are trying to address is moving lines up or down (as opposed to the more general question of how to "make Emacs + Evil mode insert new lines when putting entire yanked lines"), I suggest you try out move-text
It is a very small add-on package that provides two commands (move-text-up
and move-text-down
) for moving lines up and down, respectively. You can be anywhere on a line and call these; there is no need to kill or yank anything, and they work for regions as well.
For example, calling move-line-down
in this situation (point right after second
first line
second| line
third line
will produce
first line
third line
second| line
As you would expect, moving the current line (or region) up or down n
lines works by calling the appropriate command with a numeric prefix.
The commands are bound to M-up and M-down by default but you should be able to rebind them to key sequences of your liking via
(define-key evil-normal-state-map "mu" 'move-line-up)
(define-key evil-normal-state-map "md" 'move-line-down)
is package-install
able from MELPA.