
in emacs evil mode ctrl-[ puts you in normal mode. but there is an irritating delay of about a .5 seconds. For instance if I'm in insert mode and want to move up 2 lines I would do ctrl-[ k k but this doesn't work cause I hit the k to quickly, emacs stays in insert mode. How can I make the transistion to normal mode instantaneous.

I don't have this delay on my Emacs (version 24.3 on Ubuntu). Can you try running emacs -Q, manually enabling evil-mode, and see if the delay is still present?Chris
The delay is the same starting it manually from emacs -Q. I should add that I'm sshng into a server and using emacs on that server via ssh. Maybe thats the problem. Yep thats the problem, I don't get the delay using evil on a local emacs. Any suggestions to make this work without delay on a remote emacswat
Hrm, I supposed that could be related... If you use the Esc key instead of C-[, do you still see the delay?Chris
Yep same response using esc versus ctrl -[wat
CTRL - [ was bound to evil-force-normal-state and I couldn't rebind it for some reason, my solution was to install key-chord.el and bind jj to evil-normal-state, no more delay.:)wat

1 Answers


Please check out: https://bitbucket.org/lyro/evil/issue/69/delay-between-esc-or-c-and-modeswitch

For me the delay was caused by tmux and set -s escape-time 0 fixed the issue.