
1.- Go to http://www.mulesoft.com/management-console-mule-esb, then click Download.

2.- Fill out the registration form.

3.- On the Enterprise trial page, click the appropriate button to download the Runtime bundle for your operating system.

4.- Extract the file.

5.- Navigate to the bin folder, then double-click the mule executable file.

6.- Mule Console print the next in the console:

The Java Service Wrapper requires a License Key to activate the software. License Keys can be purchased on the Java Service Wrapper web site: http://wrapper.tanukisoftware.com/purchase

You can also immediately obtain a one-month Free trial license: http://wrapper.tanukisoftware.com/trial

License Keys can be generated for any of the following HostIds. HostId(s): 0800270000dc (#1) 9cb654a292c8 (#2)

--- The Mule has not started.

¿What is the solution for start the Mule Esb Trial Version?.

Your question probably should be sent to whoever supports the product you are trying to use. It does not look like there is any coding problem to be solved...Alexei Levenkov
Yes, the problem is more of configuration.dmotta

1 Answers


This problem was fixed:

1.- Go to http://wrapper.tanukisoftware.com/doc/spanish/requestTrial.jsp

2.- Generate the Agreement of Licence TSILA-201404040001.

3.- Create trial Licence with the

HostId(s): 0800270000dc (#1) 9cb654a292c8 (#2)

4.- View Licence: wrapper.license.type=xxx wrapper.license.id=xxxx wrapper.license.licensee=xx wrapper.license.host_id=xxx wrapper.license.features=pro, 64bit, trial wrapper.license.upgrade_term.begin_date=2014-04-04 wrapper.license.upgrade_term.end_date=2014-05-04 wrapper.license.lease_term.begin_date=2014-04-04 wrapper.license.lease_term.end_date=2014-05-04 wrapper.license.key.1=7262-2a41-6ee2-1e5b wrapper.license.key.2=8695-0f4e-6e4f-70e8 wrapper.license.key.3=44b5-7bbf-6eaa-eded wrapper.license.key.4=8465-91d6-15ab-4383

5.- Copy this to end of the file mule_ee_3.4.2\conf\wrapper.conf

  1. Mule Start.