
Looking for some guidance and clarification here.

For the licensing for the Mule Enterprise ESB, it operates under a Commercial and Proprietary license. Then I see here that one gets "access to source code" for the Enterprise Edition much like the Community Edition.


  1. What does "access to source code" entail?
  2. Do I only get this access once I license the ESB?
  3. Is the source code publicly available online?
  4. Is it "open source" in the classic sense that I can improve, modify and commit recommended changes to the source code?
  5. Can I do the same with MMC?

Any help or guidance would be much appreciated.

Thank you!


1 Answers


If you have a paid subscription with access to the MuleSoft Customer Portal, you can download a zip with a bunch of Java classes, settings files, etc which are used in the EE version. I think this is mostly for debugging purposes, or if you want to extend some EE classes in your Mule application. I am pretty sure you can not fork your own Mule EE, or start contributing changes to the EE repository. I have also not seen any downloads for MMC source code. They probably don't want to share it, as it is one of the selling points for the EE license.