I have a Storyboard in Xcode 5.1 with a base Localization of English, and a second Localization in French.
When I'm using the Xcode Storyboard editor the strings are shown in English, as expected. Is there any way to make Xcode display the Storyboard in my other localization (French)?
I don't want to change Mac OSX's language, I'm hoping there's an option in Xcode somewhere.
EDIT: I have this in my resources folder
If I double-click Main.storyboard then the storyboard opens showing English (base language), as expected.
Is there a way to view Main.storyboard, but showing the text displayed in Main.strings?
EDIT: I've since discovered (thanks to this tutorial) that there's a 'preview' option in Xcode. To get this, open the storyboard, click the 'assistant' editor, click the 'assistant editor menu button' (immediately to the right of the > arrow at the top left of the assistant window) and select Preview. This shows how the ViewController will look in landscape/portrait 568/480 high modes. Very handy, but still shows everything in English.
If only this'd let me select a localization, it'd be a great way to check the text layout works in different languages..