
I'm doing some POST requests from my angular js app to my RESTful API implemented using RestEasy.
The case is that I need CORS so I added a servlet filter with this code:

public void doFilter(ServletRequest req, ServletResponse res, FilterChain chain) throws IOException, ServletException {
    HttpServletResponse response = (HttpServletResponse) res;
    response.addHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Origin", "*");
    response.addHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Methods", "POST, GET, OPTIONS, DELETE");
    response.addHeader("Access-Control-Max-Age", "3600");
    response.addHeader("Access-Control-Allow-Headers", "Content-Type");
    chain.doFilter(req, res);

But I can't figure out why it works only with GET requests and not POST requests, the error on chrome's console is:

No 'Access-Control-Allow-Origin' header is present on the requested resource

My POST request is:

$http({method: 'POST', 
       url: myUrl,
       data: $scope.data,
       headers: {'Content-Type': 'application/json'}

This is the reponse I receive on POST:

Date:Thu, 03 Apr 2014 23:27:22 GMT

Any Idea? Thanks!
Tested on IE10 and it works but doesn't work on chrome neither firefox ... any body knows why?

how are you requesting with GET?Eliran Malka
the same way but with 'GET' instead of 'POST' and another url but on the same WSAdnane.T
i don't think you need to explicitly allow the Content-Type header. try and remove that.Eliran Malka
still doesn't work, as you see in my edit, it seems that its browser thing ... FF and chrome doesn't receive the same response headers as IEAdnane.T
works on IE but not on Chrome or Firefox? that's odd.Eliran Malka

2 Answers


Well finally I came to this workaround:
The reason it worked with IE is because IE sends directly a POST instead of first a preflight request to ask for permission.
But I still don't know why the filter wasn't able to manage an OPTIONS request and sends by default headers that aren't described in the filter (seems like an override for that only case ... maybe a restEasy thing ...)

So I created an OPTIONS path in my rest service that rewrites the reponse and includes the headers in the response using response header

I'm still looking for the clean way to do it if anybody faced this before.


I have had good luck configuring Cross-origin resource sharing (CORS) for my API (on Wildfly) by using this lib:


It's very easy to setup. Just add the above dependency to your pom and then add the following config to the webapp section of your web.xml file.





        <param-value>GET, HEAD, POST, DELETE, OPTIONS</param-value>





    <!-- CORS Filter mapping -->

You can also configure it with a properties file instead if you prefer. This lib works like a charm and gives you a lot of configuration flexibility!