
Hi there i'm want to override a data picker css from a hook creation. In Liferay Documentation 6.2 they say that it's possible with hook.


But in Liferay IDE, when I create a new hook, in the interface for xml liferay-hook there isn't an option for CSS.

There are:

  • Portal properties
  • Custom JSP
  • Service Wrappers
  • Filter and Mappings
  • Struts Action
  • Indexer Post Processors
  • Language properties

So, how to make it? Thanks ahead!

If your css changes are less then you can add css in control panel > site pages.Pankaj Kathiriya
Thanks for your advice, it's an important option!Wanted92

1 Answers


you need to create a plugin: THEME. You can see how in this page: https://www.liferay.com/es/documentation/liferay-portal/6.2/development/-/ai/creating-themes-and-layout-templates-liferay-portal-6-2-dev-guide-09-en In this plugin you have a folder _diffs. Everything you put here is going to overwrite liferay´s theme.