I have developed my own sprite library on top of OpenGL ES 2.0. Right now, I am not doing any batching of draw calls; instead, each sprite has its own VBO/VAO of four textured vertices, drawn as a triangle strip (The VAO/VBO itself is managed by the Texture atlas, so identical sprites reuse the same VAO/VBO, which is 'reference counted' and hence deleted when no sprite instances reference it).
Before drawing each sprite, I'll bind its texture, upload its uniforms/attributes to the shader (modelview matrix, opacity - Projection matrix stays constant all along), bind its Vertex Array Object (4 textured vertices + four indices), and call glDrawElements()
. I do cull off-screen sprites (based on position and bounds), but still it is one draw call per sprite, even if all sprites share the same texture. The vertex positions and texture coordinates for each sprite never change.
I must say that, despite this inefficiency, I have never experienced performance issues, even when drawing many sprites on screen. I do split the sprites into opaque/non-opaque, draw the opaque ones first, and the non-opaque ones after, back to front. I have seen performance suffer only when I overdraw (tax the fill rate).
Nevertheless, the OpenGL instruments in Xcode will complain that I draw too many small meshes and that I should consolidate my geometry into less objects. And in the Unity world everyone talks about limiting the number of draw calls as if they were the plague.
So, how should I go around batching very many sprites, each with a different transform and opacity value (but the same texture), into one draw call? One thing that comes to mind is to modify the vertex data every frame, and stream it: applying the modelview matrix of each sprite to all its vertices, assembling the transformed vertices for all sprites into one mesh, and submitting it to the GPU. This approach does not solve the problem of varying opacity between sprites.
Another idea that comes to mind is to have all the textured vertices of all the sprites assembled into a single mesh (VBO), treated as 'static' (same vertex format I am using now), and a separate array with the stuff that changes per sprite every frame (transform matrix and opacity), and only stream that data each frame, and pull it/apply it on the vertex shader side. That is, have a separate array where the 'attribute' being represented is the modelview matrix/alpha for the corresponding vertices. Still have to figure out the exact implementation in terms of data format/strides etc. In any case, there is the additional complication that arises whenever a new sprite is created/destroyed, the whole mesh has to be modified...
Or perhaps there is an ideal, 'textbook' solution to this problem out there that I haven't figured out? What does cocos2d do?