
I have been chipping away at learning how to implement QAbstractItemModel with QTreeView, and a custom Item class, and I have everything working except for the drag and drop.

Ultimately I would like to be able to switch between Moving and Copying items with the shift Key, but for now I am just trying to get the InternalMove to work at all....

I am re-implementing mimeData and dropMimeData like this....

class BuildModel( QAbstractItemModel ):
    def __init__( self, root):
        super( BuildModel, self ).__init__()

    def mimeTypes( self ):
        return ['sushi-build-items']

    def mimeData( self, indices ):
        mimedata = QMimeData()
        mimedata.setData('sushi-build-items', self.getSerializedData(indices) )
        return mimedata

    def dropMimeData( self, mimedata, action, row, column, parentIndex ):
        if not mimedata.hasFormat( 'sushi-build-items' ):
            return False
        data = pickle.loads((str(mimedata.data('sushi-build-items'))))
        items = dataToItems(data)
        self.insertItems(row, items, parentIndex)
        return True

    def insertItems( self, row, items, parentIndex):
        parent = self.itemFromIndex(parentIndex)
        self.beginInsertRows( parentIndex, row, row+len(items)-1 )
        if row == -1:
            parent.insertChildren(row, items)
        self.dataChanged.emit(parentIndex, parentIndex)
        return True

And my tree view is set to InternalMove like this....

class TreeView(QTreeView):
    def __init__(self, parent = None, model = None):

        super(TreeView, self).__init__(parent = parent)

But when I drag and drop the source item stays as it is, and it just drops a duplicate item. Shouldn't the removal of the dragged item be handled by the TreeView? If not where do I remove it manually?

I am convinced I am missing something here..

Try to implement virtual moveRows and removeRows methods and check if they are called by the view during drags. Also you definitely need to implement supportedDropActions to return Qt.MoveAction | Qt.CopyAction.Pavel Strakhov
As said before, def supportedDropActions(self): return QtCore.Qt.MoveAction | QtCore.Qt.CopyAction did the tricks for me. Good to know because I didn't see that in the documentation.Stéphane

1 Answers


You need to implement the removeRows method in your model; it should get called automatically.