
I have a problem matching lists in python.

list1 = [["id1","string1","string2"],["id2","string3","string4"]]
list2 =   [["id1","string1","string2", "string3"],["id3","string4","string5", "string6"]]

I want something like this

list3 = [["id1", "string1", "string2", "string3"],["id2","string3","string4"],["id3","string4","string5", "string6"]]

if an id from list1 is in list2 then write the element from list2 (e.g. ["id1","string1","string2"]) to a new list. If it's not in the list take the element from list1 and write it to the new list. At the end the result should look something like this

I tried it this way

for p in list1:
   for d in list2:
       if ( (p[0] in list2)):
What exactly is the problem then?msvalkon
Please demonstrate that you have atleast made an effort with some code and show where you are strugglingsshashank124
Does the order of elements in the output matter?thefourtheye
The order doesn't matter. I added an example what I tried, but didn't workmbs

2 Answers


It's better to transform your lists to dicts, which is easier to do the job, e.g.:

In [259]: list1 = [["id1","string1","string2"],["id2","string3","string4"]]

In [260]: {i[0]:i[1:] for i in list1}
Out[260]: {'id1': ['string1', 'string2'], 'id2': ['string3', 'string4']}

then you can check if the keys (namely your ids) in the 1st dict are in the 2nd dict:

In [270]: d1 = {i[0]:i[1:] for i in list1}

In [271]: d2 = {i[0]:i[1:] for i in list2}

In [272]: d1.update(d2)

In [273]: d1
{'id1': ['string1', 'string2', 'string3'],
 'id2': ['string3', 'string4'],
 'id3': ['string4', 'string5', 'string6']}

If you want to convert it back to list anyway:

In [275]: [[k]+d1[k] for k in d1]
[['id2', 'string3', 'string4'],
 ['id3', 'string4', 'string5', 'string6'],
 ['id1', 'string1', 'string2', 'string3']]

If the order doesn't matter then the best way is to convert them to dictionaries and match them like this

dict1 = {item[0]: item for item in list1}
dict2 = {item[0]: item for item in list2}
print [dict2.get(item, dict1.get(item)) for item in dict1.viewkeys() | dict2]


[['id2', 'string3', 'string4'],
 ['id3', 'string4', 'string5', 'string6'],
 ['id1', 'string1', 'string2', 'string3']]

If you are using Python 3.x, then use dict.keys instead of dict.viewkeys, like this

print([dict2.get(item, dict1.get(item)) for item in dict1.keys() | dict2])

The same can be written like this

[dict2.get(item) or dict1.get(item) for item in dict1.keys() | dict2]