I have an Arduino UNO and a 3G shield ( http://imall.iteadstudio.com/development-platform/arduino/im121026002.html ). To connect to the internet I had only to configure the APN once which the SIM provider gave me and write the PIN number via AT commands in the setup() function, that's all.
I have some questions:
1) the internet key which the SIM belongs to comes with a software you have to use to connect to the internet: each time you want to connect you press CONNECT and when you are finished you press DISCONNECT. The 3G shield on the contrary needs only APN and PIN and that's it: am I forgetting anything? The module works, therfore I don't think so: what's your experience?
2) the internet key software needs to be configured with a "Dial Number" too, which I don't know what's for. The 3G shield works without any "Dial Number": any idea why?
3) sometimes while surfing the internet with the internet key, you loose the connection (maybe the provider kicks you off). In that case you have to click connect and you are in again. If something like that happens with Arduino+3G what do I have to do? I tried resetting the 3G module via the reset pin, but the module cannot register any more into the network.
Thank you in advance