I have recently purchased an Arduino compatible SIMCOM SIM808 GSM-GPS-GPRS shield. I was thinking of trying out the AT commands to see how I could play with it, so I connected it to my Arduino UNO R3 in the following manner: -
I have followed the instruction given in this site
VIO connected to +5V of Arduino
GND connected to GND of Arduino
RX connected to Digi Pin 11 of Arduino
TX connected to Digi Pin 10 of Arduino
Additionally, based on the suggestions found here on StackOverflow, I have connected my GSM/GPS/GPRS Shield to a 12V--1Amp external power supply.
And my Arduino draws power from my Computer via USB.
To my surprise whenever I connect my Arduino, the NWK & STATUS LEDs blink for the first few seconds & then finally stop blinking. When I restart my Arduino & the shield and the same thing repeats. I haven't been able to find out any solution for this on Google, hence StackOverflow. If any similar article exists that I may have overlooked, please link it.
Thank you for your time