I have a QProcess where i would like to output the response in a label. First off, here is what i have tried:
QProcess *proc = new QProcess();
proc->start(cmdLineRequest.toUtf8().constData()); // cmdLineRequest is omitted
if (!proc->waitForFinished()) {
qDebug() << "Make failed:" << proc->errorString();
} else {
qDebug() << "Make output:" << proc->readAll();
ui->topBarcode->setText(QString(proc->readAll()) + "asdf");
proc->readAll() is a QByteArray and setText accepts a QString. From what i've read, i should be able to cast the QByteArray to a QString, howver it does not work. I have also tried to convert proc->readAll() with the QString class
->setText(QString::fromUtf8(proc->readAll())) // not working
->setText(QString::fromLatin1(proc->readAll())) // not working
->setText(QString::fromLocal8Bit(proc->readAll())) // not working
... etc ...
It seems weird, since i'm adding pictures to labels in nearly the same matter using setPixmap(QPixmap::fromImage(image))
Any help appreciated, thank you.
If i add a QMessageBox before the end of the method that the above block of code belongs to, i can see the text added to the label. However when i close the QMessageBox, the text dissapears. Am i giving an address position to the label with proc->readAll() or how come this behaviour? Thank you.