I have a derived class (from QWidget) that uses a QVBoxLayout with 2 items, both of which are a QLabel. The top QLabel is used to display a video stream and the bottom QLabel is use for a status line. This is from one of the examples in the Qt documentation.
CaptureWin::CaptureWin() { QVBoxLayout *vbox = new QVBoxLayout(this); vbox->setContentsMargins(QMargins(8, 8, 8, 5)); m_pLabel = new QLabel(); m_pMessage = new QLabel("No frame"); vbox->addWidget(m_pLabel); vbox->addWidget(m_pMessage); } void CaptureWin::setImage(const QImage &image, const QString &status) { m_pLabel->setPixmap(QPixmap::fromImage(image)); m_pMessage->setText(status); }
This is working just fine, my program captures the video from a shared memory segment (generated from a different process) and the video is displayed in this window.
However, the video image size can change, so I am trying to extend this to change to different size videos dynamically. My shared memory header gives the information about the image like sizes. So I can emit signals when the size changes.
Currently in the slot I delete the QImage obj, then create a new QImage obj with the new size.Like this:
void Dialog::updatePictureSize() { delete m_pCaptureImage; m_pCaptureImage = new QImage(m_nPictureWidth, m_nPictureHeight, QImage::Format_RGB32); m_pCaptureWin->repaint(); m_pCaptureWin->show(); }
As I said this works fine, however the CaptureWin does not resize, only the QImage. So when I go from a large video size to a small video size the basic window does not change I am left with a large white window with a small image inside.
The more I think about this, I think this is very poor design because the QVBoxLayout, which has a reference to the QImage, does not know it has changed.
So, what is the proper way to have the CaptureWin obj resize to accommodate the new QImage size?