I have collection of talks in talks view with is a list of all models in this collection. In video region I am rendering active talk. When I am clicking on certain model from the list, the model is rendered in video view.
I would like to add class "active" on an element form the list to indicated what model is currently rendered.
the views looks like that: (video-region renders attributes of active talk, talks-region renders list of talks in the collection)
<div class="col-md-10 columns">
<div id="video-region"></div>
<div class="col-md-2 columns">
<div id="talks-region"></div>
How can i set class active on talk in talks-region witch is currently rendered.
here is my views controller: (commented setActive function doesn't work)
@Demo.module "TalkApp.Show", (Show, App, Backbone, Marionette, $, _) ->
class Show.Controller extends App.Controllers.Base
initialize: (options) ->
{ id, talk_id, talk } = options
talk or= App.request "talk:entity", id, talk_id
window.id = id
talks = App.request "talk:entities", id
App.execute "when:fetched", talk, =>
@layout = @getLayoutView talk
@listenTo @layout, "show", =>
@videoRegion talk
# @setActive talk, ev
@talksRegion talks
@show @layout
# setActive: (talk, ev) ->
# $target = $(ev.target)
# console.log $target
# $target.addClass('active')
talksRegion: (talks) ->
talksView = @getTalksView talks
@listenTo talksView, "childview:talk:single:render", (child, args) ->
App.vent.trigger "talk:single:render", args.model
console.log args.model
@videoRegion args.model
# @setActive args.mode
@layout.talksRegion.show talksView
videoRegion: (talk) ->
videoView = @getVideoView talk
@layout.videoRegion.show videoView
video = talk.get("video_url")
pop = Popcorn.youtube( "#youtube", "#{video}" )
getTalksView: (talks) ->
new Show.Talks
collection: talks
getVideoView: (talk) ->
new Show.Video
model: talk
getLayoutView: (talk) ->
new Show.Layout
model: talk