Not sure where I am doing wrong. I tried via code and by xml, but for some reason the left nav button does not show up. I am using the simulator since I don't have an actual device for ios.
The xml view
<!--filename: playType.xml->
<Window class="container">
<LeftNavButton platform="ios">
<Button title="Back" onClick="closeWindow"/>
<View class="buttonContainer">
<Button class="menuButton" title="Single Player"/>
<Button class="menuButton" title ="Duel"/>
The Controller
var args = arguments[0] || {};
var closeWindow = function(){
The tss style
".container" : {
I using this from the index.js
var playType = Alloy.createController('playType').getView();;
The window shows up fine with the two buttons in the center but the back button doesn't appear. What am I doing wrong. I went through the doc and also tried the code way too. Same result, no back button. :(