Im working in Titanium Alloy and creating a popup window as a widget. I want to have the close - image up over the right top corner, so it stick abit out of the popup window.
So I created 2 separate window in the widget xml-file. One to just hold the close - image and one who is the popup - window.
Everythings look as I want, but I cant get the popup - window to close?!
I have tried: $.myWindow.close();
Amd I have tried: var win = Widget.createController('myWindow', 'myWindowID').getView(); win.close();
But nothing happens
Here is my xml - code:
<Window id="popup">
<View id="myImagesViewIn" class="myImagesViewIn" onClick="closeWin">
<ImageView id="myImageIn" class="myImageIN" />
<Window id="winImageOut" onClick="closeWindow">
<View id="myImagesViewOut" class="myImagesViewOut" >
<ImageView id="myImageOut" class="myImageOut" />
And here is my JS-code:
var args = arguments[0] || {};
$.popup.transform = args.transform || '';
exports.setDataModalWindow = function(data) {
$.lblModalWinHead.text = data.title;
$.lblModalWinBody.text = data.text;
function fnCloseClick() {
$.myImagesViewOut.addEventListener('click', function(e) {
function closeWin(e) {
function closeWindow(e) {
var wins = Widget.createController('widget', 'popup').getView();
exports.openModalWindow = function(arg) {
//$.lblModalTitle.text = arg.title || 'foo';
//$.lblModalText.text = arg.text || 'ff';
var t = Titanium.UI.create2DMatrix().scale(0);
var args = {
transform : t
var controller = Widget.createController('widget', args).getView();;
// controller.animate(a2);
var t1 = Titanium.UI.create2DMatrix();
t1 = t1.scale(1.2);
var a1 = Titanium.UI.createAnimation();
a1.transform = t1;
a1.duration = 400;
var b1 = Titanium.UI.create2DMatrix();
var a2;
a1.addEventListener('complete', function() {
b1 = b1.scale(1.5);
a2 = Titanium.UI.createAnimation();
a2.transform = b1;
a2.duration = 400;
// create the controller a keep the reference
label: 'Are you sure you wish to log out?\n\nIf you do so you will no longer be able to take part in any challenges until you login again.',
ok: 'Log me out',
cancel: 'Cancel'
// now get a reference to the UI inside the controller
//var win = controller.getView();
a1.addEventListener('complete', function() {
// simple reset animation
var t2 = Ti.UI.create2DMatrix();
var a3 = Titanium.UI.createAnimation();
a3.transform = t2;
a3.duration = 400;