I have a nested resource (child) that is only viewed and edited on its parent's resource views. How to make error messages of the child display on its parent's views when an action of the child is called and the child is invalid?
In order to do this I have the child's action in the parent's controller now. But I'd like to have it in the child's controller where it belongs, i.e. I'd like the activate
action in the placements_controller rather than activate_placement
action in the recipients_controller.
# Present setup:
patch '/recipients/:recipient_id/placements/:id/activate' =>
'recipients#activate_placement', :as => :activate_recipient_placement
# Placement is activated (and validated) by recipients_controller.
# If errors exist, recipient's show view with that placement is rendered
# displaying the placement's error messages. I want that.
# But I'd like the activate action to be in the placements_controller.
# Preferred setup:
resources :recipients do
resources :placements do
patch 'activate' on: :member
# Now, placement is activated (and validated) by placements_controller.
# But if errors exist on the placement, the placement's own show view,
# rather than the parent's show view, is rendered with the error messages.