I have a popup form that fills in 4 fields that will be invisible in my form. Then I click a button, this opens a form with an autonumber field, before this was on a data entry form this autonumber field populated itself as I ran through the navigation, but since I only want the user to be able to have access to one field (I will have a button that will save and update the records instead of making a new one every time) I cannot have a record navigation.
From my little experience in access the only 3 ways I can imagine solving this (in the order I'd rather do them) are:
Have a way for a form to start up with a new record without data entry mode.
Having a way to populate the autonumber on the form whilst it generates in data entry mode.
Having a way for the button on the initial popup form to autoincrement the autonumber by 1 and set the autonumber as that.
MY update query is:
UPDATE AdvisorInput SET AdvisorInput.PSTNVolume = (([Forms]![frmInput]![txtPSTN])+([Forms]![frmInput]![txtPSTN2])), AdvisorInput.BBVolume = (([Forms]![frmInput]![txtBB])+([Forms]![frmInput]![txtBB2])), AdvisorInput.TVVolume = (([Forms]![frmInput]![txtTV])+([Forms]![frmInput]![txtTV2])), AdvisorInput.FibreVolume = (([Forms]![frmInput]![txtFibre])+([Forms]![frmInput]![txtFibre2])), AdvisorInput.C2FUVolume = (([Forms]![frmInput]![txtC2FU])+([Forms]![frmInput]![txtC2FU2])), AdvisorInput.PSTNCease = (([Forms]![frmInput]![txtPSTNCease])+([Forms]![frmInput]![txtPSTNCease2])), AdvisorInput.BBCease = (([Forms]![frmInput]![txtBBCease])+([Forms]![frmInput]![txtBBCease2])), AdvisorInput.TVCease = (([Forms]![frmInput]![txtTVCease])+([Forms]![frmInput]![txtTVCease2]))
WHERE (((AdvisorInput.AdvisorEIN)=[Forms]![frmInput]![txtEIN]) And ((AdvisorInput.CSS_WEEK)=[Forms]![frmInput]![txtCSSWeek]) And ((AdvisorInput.WeekdayName)=[Forms]![frmInput]![cboWeekday]));
Thanks very much for your time.