
As you can see below my MVC site contain _ViewStart.cshtml file in the root of my Views folder that use the _Layout.cshtml from Shared folder for sharing the layout of Header and Footer. But the Main Content is different for each page.

enter image description here

But now I have same Main Content layout for my Category folder pages. So my question is, how can I use another updated _Layout and _ViewStart files for Category folder pages that also use the Header and Footer by my _Layout.cshtml and _ViewStart.cshtml files or I need to specify the same Section for each page in Category folder? I want to use something like _ViewStart.cshtml file in the Root of Category folder that can share Main Content layout for Category pages.

Perhaps it seems a bit confusing, but I hope you can understand what I'm trying to ask.

Can't you use another layout which you only use for the category pages? Within this layout you can include the main layout, this way you make use of both layouts.DerDee
@DerDee - What you mean by "Within this layout"?Anonymous

1 Answers


You make a _CategoryLayout.cshtml within the category folder and put the following in the category page(s):

@{ Layout = "~/Views/Category/_CategoryLayout.cshtml"; }

Then you can use this layout to add footers and headers to your page, in turn this layout page (_CategoryLayout) can have its own layout. So you can add the following code in that layout:

@{ Layout = "~/Views/Shared/_Layout.cshtml"; }

This way it makes use of both layouts. You can ofcourse get more out of it by applying the right Sections, don't forget to fill a section in the page itself you need to define the section in every layer of layout till you display it. So if you for example have a CSS section which you want to use in the category page, you also would need to define it in the categorylayout.

Structure of nested layouts